1) All foxes will
transmit on 145.300MHz. If, at the start of an event this frequency
is occupied, an alternative will be selected.
2) Teams can call the foxes for a
transmission at any time. In addition, "Beacon Transmissions" will
be made by the fox(es) as follows:
Morning Fox
One 2 minute transmission the start of the hunt, then 30 second
transmissions as follows:
10.05, 10.10, 10.15, 10.20, 10.25, 10.30, 10.35, 10.40, 10.45,
10.50, 10.55, 11.00, 11.10, 11.20, 11.30, 11.40, 11.50, 12.00
Afternoon Foxes
Fox 1. One 2 minute transmission the start of the hunt, then 30
second transmissions as follows:
14.05, 14.10, 14.15, 14.20, 14.25, 14.30, 14.35, 14.40, 14.45,
14.50, 14.55,
15.00, 15.10, 15.20, 15.30, 15.40, 15.50, 16.00
Fox 2. One 2 minute transmission immediately after Fox 1's
transmission at
the start of the hunt, then 30 second transmissions as follows:
14.06, 14.11, 14.16, 14.21, 14.26, 14.31, 14.36, 14.41, 14.46,
14.51, 14.56,
15.01, 15.11, 15.21, 15.31, 15.41, 15.51, 16.01
The advantage of the new rule is that if teams do get into the "RF
there are "guaranteed" times for them to listen out for
transmissions and, in the case of the afternoon hunt, the two foxes
will not interfere with each other.
The transmission power used by foxes has also been commented on and
it has been suggested that a minimum of 25W be used to compensate
for the large area. This would remain fixed in the morning but vary
above 25W in the afternoon.
3) Teams can set off at any time after
the 1st fox has started transmitting.
4) The foxes will each use their own
5) In addition to the transmissions in
rule 2, Freebie (unsolicited) transmissions can be made at any time
by the foxes after 2hrs, at their own discretion.
6) Foxes must be audible from the start
7.1) Morning Event: fox will use fixed
power of 25W or more and fixed antenna.
7.2) Afternoon Event: foxes can vary
their power and/or antennas during the hunt, However, the minimum
power used must not drop below 25W
8) Foxes will always
make a minimum 30 sec transmission.
9) Foxes will be hiding on land to
which a public right of way exists.
10) A fox is "found" by a team when any
member of the team and the fox exchange a handshake.
11) The winner of the morning event is
the first team to find the fox.
The winner of the afternoon event is the first team to find both
Finally, it is repeated that the
WADARC North Wales DF Challenge is somewhat unique in terms of the
nature and area of the search terrain. It's prime objective is
for everyone attending to have an enjoyable day out playing radio
while improving their skills of direction finding and building
antennas/equipment to improve their teams performance at RDF. |