Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club
GB7WP D-Star Repeater
Tx on 439.7625MHz <> Rx on 430.7625MHz
On the 3rd of July 2008, Chris M1EEV switched on the first Wirral Regenerative node (repeater) on behalf of the Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club. GB7WP (Wirral Peninsular) is a D-Star digital unit by ICOM operating in the 70cms band and we were among the first group in the UK to be licensed by the ETC (Emerging Technologies Committee) of the RSGB.
A forward thinking Club project, it gives the opportunity both to Club Members and all radio amateurs living within the footprint of the repeater to try, learn about and enjoy the very latest amateur radio communications mode.
Operating Assistance
Linking and Unlinking Nodes and Reflectors
The key thing that all users need to remember to make Reflector access work, is to set your RPT 2 field to include a G suffix in the 8th position. For example .. in the case of users on GB7WP:-
RPT1: GB7WP B (2 spaces)
RPT2: GB7WP G (2 spaces)
Please see your manual on how to set this, or give Tom G4BKF a call on 70.4125Mz or send him an email before you try to connect. (He monitors this frequency whenever time allows).
Please note you will need to register with Tom G4BKF to have full access to link around the world
To do this, send your full name, callsign and working email address to g4bkf@wadarc.com
Here is a link to the reflector status page, from which you then can click on last heard to see who is using the reflector. http://www.ukit.org.uk/ref005.html This will auto update in real time.
What is a Reflector ? read the following pdf "Reflector User Guide".
This page will be updated as and when changes are made to GB7WP and report any service problems which you the user might not be aware of.
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