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Wirral & District Amateur Radio Club

Formed 46 years ago in January 1978, we provide a meeting place for those interested in all aspects of the world-wide hobby of  Amateur Radio and Short Wave listening within reach of Wirral and a forum for the exchange of knowledge.

Our HQ is located at Irby Cricket Club where we meet at 8pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month.  An excellent, central location with spacious parking.  As a visitor or prospective new member, you are most welcome to come and meet us at any of our Club meetings or D&W's.

Please enjoy browsing our website, and if we can help with any further information, please contact:- secretary@wadarc.com

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Next Meeting

2 metre DF contest for the Eileen Medley Trophy

After our very challenging practice 2 metre DF (aka 2M Foxhunt) last month it's now time to get serious and have our open challenge DF contest for the Eileen Medley trophy.
Time & Date: Wednesday 10th July at 19:00.(Note earlier time than a normal club night)
We meet at Heswall Layby just North of Heswall on the A540 for a 7:00 PM start, see https://binged.it/2r6AMpi what3words ///alien.beard.notes
The fox will be calling on
145.300 MHz +/- QRM, everyone, members or non-members are welcome to take part.
The usual rules will apply.... The fox must be on publicly accessible land close to a road in the area bounded by The River Dee, Irish Sea, River Mersey and the line extending from Mersey Coast to Dee Coast but formed in the main by the A550 'WELSH ROAD.
For any visitors, please note that no real foxes will be pursued or harmed at these events!
If you can't participate in the hunt but would like to join us afterwards let Simon G6XHF know by sending an email to Secretary@WADARC.Com with a contact number and he will let you know where we are adjourning to.

Come and join us on Wednesday night.