The competitors at the starting point. Don't be confused by what appears to be a blue sky above the Motel. This is in fact an artefact of the JPG compression process. The sky was really a dark and forbidding mass of dense cloud!
Photo (c) Phil G6IIM
This view shows the menacing cloud descending over the competitors as they
take their first bearings.
Photo (c) Phil G6IIM
Andy G7HUD's impromptu rendition of Gene Kelly's Singin' in the Rain. In the
background you can see Andy's car sporting a brand new pair of front discs. Any
mechanic will tell you that the best way to bed in new discs is to thrash your
car around the hills of North Wales on a very wet day. They'll also tell you
it's best if you can include lots of off-road driving over very muddy tracks to
improve the amount of abrasive detritus thrown up. Andy was therefore very lucky
that the day's driving would match that description perfectly.
Photo (c) Phil G6IIM
Having failed to impress the photographer, Andy repeats his rendition of
Singin' in the Rain to Jim G6NOI. Jim didn't like it either and Andy learnt a
whole new set of phrases. As this is a family web page we can't repeat them but
many of Jim's comments included a phrase ending in the word 'off' !
Photo (c) Phil G6IIM
Neil G4OAR laughs as Tom's Metro is seen to rust away in front of him.
Despite Tom's best efforts, the Metro was nothing more than a brown stain on the
car park floor by the end of the day. Tom later recounted the incident with the
MOT examiner...
Examiner: Rear foot-wells!
Tom: What about
Examiner: We'd like some!
Photo (c) Phil G6IIM
Members of the Trafford ARC gallantly hide from the monsoon like rains. Note the nonchalant way these hardy men from Manchester are only wearing simple coats whilst everybody else was wrapped up in several layers of GoreTex (tm). Used to the incessant rain and perpetual greyness of Manchester, the Trafford guys really wondered what all the fuss was about.
Photo (c) Phil
Brian G4ZRP and Phil G6IIM enjoying warmth and solace in the Sportsman's Arms
at lunchtime. Brian is not asleep but is checking that the rear of his eyelids
haven't changed since the night before. Brian was navigator with Andy G7HUD.
Despite Brian's best efforts on two occasions that morning, Brian and Andy
succeeded in finding both foxes.
When Brian and Andy were searching for
Bob G4NCI Brian was heard to say "He wont be up there." Sometime later he was
heard to say "OK. So he was up there."
Amazingly enough these exact words
were repeated by Brian when he sent Andy the wrong way when hunting for Phil
Photo (c) Phil G6IIM
A most disreputable bunch gather in the Sportsman's Arms for lunch.
Martin GW4CQZ, Denis G3UVR, Bob G4NCI (fox), Tom G4BKF, Brian G4ZRP, Neil G4OAR,
Phil G6IIM, Phil G0JSB (fox), Bill G3OTW (part), Mark 2E1CER, Steve SWL, Ben SWL
Photo (c) Phil G6IIM
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