W.A.D.A.R.C. - North Wales D.F. Challenge
Sunday 12th September 2004
The brilliant sunshine which greeted this event's participants as they set off for the start promised a pleasant day testing their fox hunting skills in North Wales. As the start time grew near, 10 teams assembled at the Clwyd Gate's Car Park - a record number of entries for the event.
Paul GW6ONZ, Martin GW4CQZ, Ian, G8PWE, Richard G8ZHA, Roger G4YLQ, Denis G3UVR, Robin G3RJQ, Bob G4NCI, Peter G0BHP, Chris M1EEV, Phil G6IIM, Jim G6NOI & Phil G0JSB
As the fox made the initial transmission, the first drops of rain announced a deterioration in the weather which was to last all day. However, true to form, the intrepid hunters dodged the showers and the chase was on ! The fox was located 10 miles in line of sight from the start, but a lot longer by road - even using the shortest route. Nevertheless, Team G4EWJ was the first to arrive in just under an hour, closely followed by G0JSB. The boys from Trafford ARC were a very respectable third place (a team to be watched - they've been progressing their way up the rankings during the past few events!). One by one, the remaining teams checked in, most complaining about the inconsiderate positioning of the neighbouring hills and cursing the reflective properties of the local terrain.
As is customary, lunch was taken at the Sportsman's Arms Pub where the two afternoon foxes were suddenly very popular with everyone - until it was realised that they weren't open to bribery. They duly departed to their respective hiding places and awaited the start of the afternoon hunt. Both locations were approachable by car, which was just as well due to the increasing frequency of downpours.
Seven teams set off, three chose to go after fox G4NCI and four for fox G4BKF as their first target. Team G4EWJ was the first to discover their first choice finding G4NCI in just 47 minutes, but only just, for one minute later team GW0CQZ's arrived at the other fox, G4BKF, hotly pursued by team G4OAR. A further minute later team G0JSB arrived at G4NCI so the scene was set for an interesting finale - who would reach their second choice of fox first ? The wind must have been behind team G4OAR who discovered G4NCI in just 67 minutes after leaving their first fox, whilst the morning victors team G4EWJ travelling in the other direction took 84 minutes to find their second fox, G4BKF, securing an honourable 2nd place. Bronze position fell to Ian G8PWE and harmonic Victoria, who, on driving up the grassy hill in their 4X4 to discover their first fox G4BKF (sheltering from the tempest in his old Ford), commented:
"How on earth did you get up here ?"
Tom G4BKF (Fox) "The same way as you did"
Ian G8PWE "But I only just made it with 4 wheel drive engaged !"
Tom G4BKF (Fox) "You should have bought a Ford Escort instead !"
In all, five of the seven afternoon teams found both foxes before the close of the event. A pleasant gathering at the Druid, Llanferes concluded the day where maps were examined and excuses rehearsed ! Despite the weather, the unanimous view of all assembled was that the day had gone well and the main object of the event - to have fun - was achieved.
Click here for Full Result Details
Only a few photo's this time, mainly because of the weather.
The winter period is always a popular time for building projects and with the enthusiasm increasing I can't help feeling there are going to be some new pieces of equipment appearing for our next event which is planned to be held on Sunday 24th April 2005
73, Tom G4BKF
email: secretary@wadarc.com
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