Eight-conductor data cable contains 4 pairs of wires. Each pair consists of a solid (or predominantly) coloured wire and a white wire with a stripe of the same colour. The pairs are twisted together. To maintain reliability on Ethernet, you should not untwist them any more than necessary (like about 1 cm).
There are two wiring standards for these cables, called "T-568A" and T-568B" They differ only in connection sequence, not in use of the various colours. The illustration shown is for T-568B. The pairs designated for 10BaseT Ethernet are Orange and Green. The other two pairs, Brown and Blue, can be used for a second Ethernet line or for phone connections.
Note that the Blue pair is on the center pins and conveniently corresponds to the Red and Green pair in a normal phone line. The connections shown are specifically for an RJ45 plug (the thing on the end of the wire). The wall jack may be wired in a different sequence because the wires are actually crossed inside the jack. The jack should either come with a wiring diagram or at least designate pin numbers that you can match up to the colour code below.
Pin Number
There are pin number designations for each colour in T568B as well. The pin
designations are as follows:
Colour Codes for T568B
Pin 1 |
Colour wh/or |
Pair 2 |
Name TxData + |
Note that the odd pin numbers are always the white with stripe colour.
Note: The hook is underneath in all cases and Pin one is always on the Left
Wiring Diagram for Straight Through &
Crossover Cables
Straight Through Cable |
Colour Code |
Colour |
Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 |
white orange orange white green blue white blue green white brown brown |
Cross Over Cable |
Colour Code |
Colour |
Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 8 |
white green green white orange blue white blue orange white brown brown |
The other side is a straight through cable see Straight through diagram |
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