These offer low cost and high capacitance
in a small physical size. Normally there are two types, the ‘High
Stability Temperature Compensating’ type and the ‘Bypass and
Coupling’ type. The former is for use in resonant circuit and
filter applications, with a value largely independent of voltage
and frequency. The latter is for use in less critical
applications, as they are less stable and have non-linear
temperature characteristics and are somewhat voltage dependent.

This type offer good stability, a large
range of values at low cost and are the most widely used capacitor
for general applications.

offer tight tolerance and are highly stable, making them suitable
for very stable tuned circuits and oscillators. Polystyrene is now
an obsolete material and is being replaced by polypropylene
capacitors in more and more applications. There is still a supply
of polystyrene available on the market, but unfortunately the
prices are likely to rise over the coming months and years. We at
Maplin have, however, managed to secure a supply of polystyrene
capacitors for at least the next 5 years and will endeavour to
keep the prices stable for as long as possible.

This type have a very low dielectric loss
and are particularly suitable in audio circuits and
sample-and-hold circuits. They are also an ideal alternative to
polystyrene capacitors.

Ideal for use in filtering and smoothing
applications in power supplies. Also used for coupling and
bypassing in audio circuits and as a timing element in
non-critical circuits. They have a high reliability and low
leakage. Since all electrolytic capacitors have a wide tolerance,
one of the capacitors in our range will suffice in most cases
where an electrolytic is specified. Choose the nearest value to
the one specified and the nearest voltage equal to or above the
one specified, e.g.: 50µF at 50V specified, nearest value 47µF and
100V is the nearest voltage above. Thus a 47µF at 100V will
perform the same job as a 50µF at 50V in almost all applications,
provided its physical size is not too large.

These are an ideal alternative to
electrolytic capacitors, as they offer a smaller size and lower
leakage. |